Peter's Blog

Just commenting on things that interest me

Month: January 2017

Netflix’s “The OA” – Avoid at all costs

Netflix released “The OA” on Friday 16th December. I had the misfortune to hear a critic on the radio two days previously raving about the first episode which she had seen and talking about how she couldn’t wait to see the remaining seven episodes.

So we started watching and watched the last 3 episodes yesterday.

The first episode is pretty good, but each episode gets worse and worse as the series progresses. You keep hoping that it will pick up again, or at least that the last episode will provide the pay-off for which you have been waiting, but that never happens. In fact the last episode is the worst and the most ridiculous. IMDB has an overall rating of 8.1 for the series with the last three episodes getting the lowest individual ratings.

The show’s creators have defended the show and the ending. One said:

I think we felt that’d really be good about the ending of this, that our interpretation is less important than the audience’s. … but as writers, we’ve always maintained the idea that our interpretations of them doesn’t matter as much as the audience’s

With them saying gobbledygook like this in real life, it’s no wonder the show makes no sense whatsoever.

There is talk on the web of a second season. Hopefully Netflix will have too much sense to let that happen.

Normally I like to include a photo with a post but I’m afraid this series does not deserve one.

2016 – Goodbye and Good Riddance

I think everyone is pretty glad to see the back of 2016.

This was the year when we lost David Bowie, Alan Rickman and Glenn Frey at the start, Prince in the middle, and Leonard Cohen towards the end, and George Michael (on Christmas Day no less) and Carrie Fisher at the end. Along with many, many, others.

And incredible to see Carrie Fisher’s mother, Debbie Reynolds, pass away the day after she did.

Civil War continues in Syria with reports that 450K Syrians have been killed in the fighting and almost 3 million refugees have fled the country.

Terrorist attacks linked to ISIL have continued throughout the year. The first in January in Libya claimed 60 lives. The last in December in Germany claimed 12. There were multiple attacks in Germany, France, Belgium and the USA. The worst incident was in Iraq with over 300 killed. Over 1,400 died in total.

From Ireland’s perspective, there were unfortunate public votes from our nearest neighbours on either side. In a June referendum the UK decided to leave the EU (well, to be more specific, England and Wales did and Scotland and Northern Ireland seem to have no choice but to go along with them). Among many other possible implications, this raises the possibility of a border being re-instituted between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. And in November, the citizens of the USA decided that Donald Trump would be their next president. The impact of this decision on Ireland and the rest of the world remains to be seen. He will take up the office on the 20th.

So goodbye 2016, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

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