Peter's Blog

Just commenting on things that interest me

Category: Movies (page 4 of 4)

Movie Updates

There are a number of movies which I am looking forward to, as mentioned in my old blog. This post contains an update about them.

The first is the Blade Runner sequel. We don’t know when this will start filming (never mind having a release date) but we do know that:

  • Harrison Ford will be in it (probably a fairly small role)
  • Ridley Scott will be a producer
  • Ryan Gosling will star
  • Denis Villeneuve will direct
  • Hampton Fancher will return to do the script
  • Sean Young will not be in it

BR is one of my all-time-favourite movies. So I’m pretty excited.

Here is a good article which includes a video where Scott confirms that Deckard is a replicant (Ford is on record as saying that he is not). Since we’re going to see a much older Deckard it seems unlikely that he is!

The second movie which I mentioned previously is the one based on Satori which is an authorised sequel  to my favourite book: Shibumi by Trevanian. This is supposed to star for Leonardo DiCaprio. Unfortunately these is no update on this in IMDB.

The third is “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny” which I mentioned in my old blog (the title has changed a little since then). I am including the trailer for this below. The bad news is that there seems to be some pretty dodgy CG work. The good (and surprising to me) news is that the movie will be released on Netflix on the 26th of Feb. So we don’t have to wait much longer!

Back to the Future day

Today is the 21st of October, 2015. It is the day which Marty McFly went to in the movie “Back to the Future part II”.

The movie was made in 1989, over 25 years ago. How many movies get a day named after them over a quarter of a century later?!

There have been lots of articles over the last few days about the predictions which the movie got right about the future (flat screen TVs, etc.), the things that we don’t have yet (hoverboards, flying cars, self-tying laces, weather control, etc.), and the things they missed completely (the Internet).

I love the first movie, and I love the trilogy. I bought the first movie on DVD years ago and then I bought the trilogy.

I still think this trilogy makes more sense than any other time travel movie (although the “Bill and Ted” movies had some novel ideas).

I had hoped to watch the movie this evening but there just wasn’t time. Maybe tomorrow or at the weekend.

I did watch enough though to get this still from the DVD showing the time when Doc Brown brought Marty and Jennifer to the future to because “something’s gotta be done about your kids”.



I mentioned time travel movies in a recent post and I can’t leave the subject without mentioning the move Predestination which I watched recently.

The movie stars Ethan Hawke as a time travelling “Temporal Agent”. Apparently the story is based on Robert A. Heinlein’s story “All You Zombies”.

The movie scores 7.4 on IMDB and some of the reviews are very enthusiastic.

I didn’t enjoy the movie. I don’t know what happened in Heinlein’s story, but for me this is the movie someone made who wanted to construct a set of circumstances involving time travel and sex change so that somebody could give birth to himself/herself. An interesting idea, but not a good basis for a full movie IMHO. And some of the things which needed to take place to make this possible were just too ridiculous, I’m afraid.


Terminator Genisys – What Went Wrong

Here are the stats according to IMDB:

  • The Terminator – 1984 – 8.1
  • Terminator 2: Judgement Day – 1991 – 8.5
  • Terminator 3: The Rise of the Machines – 2003 – 6.4
  • Terminator Salvation – 2009 – 6.7
  • Terminator Genisys – 2015 – 6.8

I have read some reviews which blame:

  • The fact that the story (particularly the time travel elements) makes no sense
  • Some claim that Jai Courtney lacks charisma

For me the problem is the choice of the terminator.

The step up in the terminator between T1 (the T-800) and T2 (the T-1000) was obvious. That made perfect sense. Then they seemed to struggle to know how to step things up for T3.

I saw an interview with Arnie at the time of T3 and he was praising the idea that the terminator would be a woman! What a ridiculous idea! Even the name T-X is stupid.

I don’t remember much about T4 – a bit of an indictment in itself! So I don’t really know what the premise was.

But in the new movie they decided that the terminator would be John Connor. Not a terminator who looks like John Connor, but John Connor himself. The problem with that is that it’s an obnoxious idea. I hated it. My 10 year old son hated it.

They say in the Hollywood Reporter that the movies poor performance at the box-office may have killed plans for 2 more movies. I think that is probably for the best. They seem to have no idea how to move things forward from the first two movies.

Having said that, I just read on IMDB that the rights to the terminator series revert to James Cameron in 2019. So maybe there is still some hope.

Here ‘s a picture of Emilia (one of the Sarah Connors) and Arnie (one of the T-800s). Ain’t time travel (and sequels) confusing!


Simon Pegg is writing the next Star Trek movie

I mentioned in my last post how lucky Simon Pegg is to be involved in both Star Trek AND Star Wars.

And then I learned that he is co-writing the next instalment!

Is there no end to his man’s abilities!

Simon Pegg

Simon Pegg – luckiest man in cinema

In my last post, I talked about “Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation”. In this post I want to mention two other men from that movie, whom I regard as the luckiest men in cinema.

As well as being in the M:I series, Jeremy Renner is also in Marvel movies (the two Avengers movies to date and the upcoming Captain America movie) and he even starred in a Bourne movie (which, strangely, I haven’t seen yet!)

Even luckier is Simon Pegg. I have liked Pegg for a long time. I have “Spaced” on DVD and I enjoyed movies like “Run Fatboy Run”. As well as M:I, Pegg is involved in Star Trek and now Star Wars!! So Simon Pegg is the man who has united the (supposedly conflicting) worlds of Star Trek and Star Wars!

There’s a promo video out now which has him saying: “My whole life has lead to this. I’m in heaven” and “It’s Star Wars. I’d burn for Star Wars”.

Luckiest man in the world: I think so. Here’s a picture of him on the set of Star Wars:


Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation

I went to see “Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation” in the cinema the other day. Really enjoyed it. Tom Cruise really seems to be trying to ramp up the action in each movie of the series and that really suits me! The movie is scoring 7.8 in IMDB as I wrote and 93% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Rebecca Ferguson seems to have come out of nowhere but she does a really great job in the movie as the somewhat enigmatic Isla Faust.

Cruise seems to have become the consummate professional: even if you don’t like some of his movies (I’m thinking of Oblivion as a recent example) you have to admire the obvious effort that is put into all aspects of the production.

And, as if that wasn’t enough, he does his own stunts! Here is a short video on the making of the scene where he hangs off the side of a plane as it takes off:

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